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How to Keep Pests Off Strawberries

Strawberries are appreciated worldwide, not only for their jewel-like hue, delicate aroma, and scintillating taste, but also for the purity and passion that they have come to symbolize throughout the ages, in life, literature and art. Growing your own strawberries is a wholesome and rewarding experience, and nothing is more infuriating than seeing pests eat them. Follow these suggestions to keep your strawberry plants healthy and free of the variety of pests that love them.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage
  • French marigolds
  • Lettuce
  • Pie pans
  • Beer


    • 1

      Plant French marigolds and lettuce around your strawberries to provide some of strawberries' pests, such as slugs, with an alternative source of food.

    • 2

      Set out pie pans filled with beer around your strawberry plants to drown slugs -- gross, but effective.

    • 3

      Protect your plants from birds by placing cages over your plants.

    • 4

      Kill aphids with organic pesticides.

    • 5

      Use a hose with a spray nozzle to get rid of mites.