Home Garden

How to Keep Ground Squirrels From Your Property

Ground squirrels are rat-size rodents that are happy to feast on the plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables in your garden. Ground squirrels often colonize when raiding your yard, and if not stopped immediately, they can create considerable damage. To avoid the small pests from coming near your property, make your yard unattractive to them, scare them away and block access to food sources.

Things You'll Need

  • Cracked corn
  • Coyote urine or cayenne pepper spray
  • Wire mesh
  • Squirrel trap
  • Apple slices or peanut butter
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      Remove all accessible water and food sources from your property. Get rid of birdbaths and standing water puddles. Clean up spilled seeds from bird feeders and avoid feeding pets outdoors, because squirrels may be attracted to the pet food.

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      Cover flower, fruit or vegetable gardens with wire mesh, so ground squirrels can't get to it. Use wire mesh that has openings of one-half inch at the most.

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      Offer ground squirrels an alternative food source. Lay down cracked corn in an area away from your property to attract the animals and to keep them away from your property.

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      Cover the perimeter of your yard or property with coyote urine. Spray the urine along walkways and near plants that squirrels feed on. When ground squirrels smell the urine, it scares them, and may motivate them to leave the area. Refresh the spray at least once a month, or more often if there is heavy rainfall. As an alternative, use cayenne pepper spray.

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      Purchase a commercial squirrel trap that doesn't physically harm the animal. Put some apple slices or peanut butter inside the trap. When the squirrel enters the trap, it locks it in. Carry the trap to an area at least five miles away from your property and release the animal.