Home Garden

How to Keep Moths Away From Your Room

If you've found unexpected holes in your clothes or small larva-like eggs around your food, you have moths in your house. Traditionally, people kept moths away from their rooms by using mothballs. But these contain chemicals that, while toxic to moths, are also potentially harmful for people. Using natural moth repellents and moth-proofing your home allow you to be both eco-friendly and moth-free. Depending on how attractive your home is to moths, you may need to use more than one of these safe moth repellents to keep them out of a room.

Things You'll Need

  • Cedar blocks, chips or oil
  • Spices, such as bay leaves and cloves
  • Fragrant herbs
  • Cotton ball
  • Small cloth bag
  • Weather stripping
  • Plastic mesh
  • Silicone caulk
  • Pheromone moth traps
  • Airtight containers
  • Vacuum cleaner
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  1. Natural Repellents

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      Place cedar in the room to repel moths. Use either blocks, chips or cedar oil on a cotton pad and place it in the corner of the room.

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      Lightly crush cloves, bay leaves or dry lemon peels. Place in a bowl in your kitchen or pantry.

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      Put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball to make your own mothball. Place the cotton ball in a small cloth bag on a plate or dish in the room. Rosemary, lavender, mint and sage are all effective herbal moth repellents.

    Moth-Proof Your Home

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      Block all gaps in windows and doors by applying weather stripping. Pay particular attention to the gap between the door and the floor. Patch any holes in window and door screens with plastic mesh or netting.

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      Tour the outside of your house and identify any cracks as potential points of entry. Fill any cracks with silicone caulk, foam or putty.

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      Look for cracks inside your home through which moths can enter or in which they are living. Pay particular attention to the spaces under cabinets, baseboards and flooring. Fill the cracks with silicone caulk, foam or putty.

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      Place pheromone traps in your room to trap any moths that enter. These traps kill moths effectively and safely. Although different types of moths respond to different pheromones, traps designed for pantry or clothes moths kill many common species.

    Remove Items That Attract Moths

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      Remove food and clothing your room. Alternatively, place these items in airtight containers, such as plastic bins and bags, or in cedar chests.

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      The smell of sweat attracts moths, so wash your exercise gear. Keep the clothes in your closet clean and smelling fresh, especially those made of wool.

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      Vacuum often and thoroughly, as moths like pet and human hair, dead insects and lint. Pay particular attention to dark corners and the spaces under furniture.

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      Remove all crumbs and small bits of food from your pantry and kitchen. Clean up immediately after cooking and check between the counter and stove for stray crumbs.