Home Garden

How to Repair a Steel Braided Hose

Steel braided hoses are identical in almost every way to regular garden hoses used by homeowners across the nation. The only difference is the steel braiding that adds additional support to the hose. They are most commonly used in applications where additional strength is required for pressure, such as with hydraulic systems. While they are harder to cut than regular rubber hoses, the principles of repairing a steel braided hose are exactly the same, utilizing couplers from a repair kit to patch undamaged sections together.

Things You'll Need

  • Work gloves
  • Pliers
  • Hacksaw
  • Utility knife
  • Screwdriver set
  • Repair kit with couplers
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      Locate the damaged section of the hose. Remove the hose from any attached devices if necessary, and set it in the sun for a few hours to let the rubber portions warm up and reach the highest level of flexibility. Soak the damaged portion in hot water for additional flexibility if desired.

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      Put on your work gloves and grasp the hose firmly with a pair of pliers. Using your free hand, place the blade of the hacksaw against the hose and begin cutting. Cut through the hose on either side of the damage section, removing it completely from the hose. Use a utility knife to clean the edges as best as you can.

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      Purchase a steel braided hose repair kit that corresponds with your type of hose. Take the damaged section into the store to help you determine the size and type you need. Unpackage the kit at home and follow the manufacturer's instructions to loosen the clamped sections of the coupler (different kits have different instructions), generally with a screwdriver. Set it to the side while you prepare the hose.

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      Rub some dish soap over the end of the two pieces of hose that will slide into the coupler, as this will grease the ends and lubricate them for ease of use. Slide both ends of the hose into the coupler device and ensure they are pushed in as far as they can go. Hold them in place while you tighten the screws on the coupler, locking the two ends in place and running them through the coupler.