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How to Install Turf Sod

Sod, although expensive, is the quickest route to a new turf. The roots on the sections of grass take fast to the soil, but you have to provide the right conditions. Prepare the soil bed with care for the sod to take off. If you simply lay the pieces of grass on any ground, the young plants will die without the support to thrive. After the site is ready, installing sod is labor-intensive, but straightforward.

Things You'll Need

  • Hoe
  • Trowel
  • Bucket
  • Plastic bag
  • Shovel or rototiller
  • Fertilizers, per soil test
  • Lime, per soil test
  • Rake
  • Lawn roller
  • Measuring tape
  • Sprinkler
  • Garden knife
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    • 1

      Clear the planting site of rocks, weeds and any other debris that will interfere with root development or result in an uneven turf area. Dig soil from a depth of 6 inches with a trowel from 12 different spots in the turf bed. Collect 1 pint of soil altogether. Mix all samples in a bucket. Place the soil blend in a plastic bag. Take it to the county extension office for nutritional and pH analysis.

    • 2

      Till the ground 4 inches deep with a shovel or rototiller. Incorporate into the soil fertilizers and any lime recommended as a result of the soil test you ordered. The lab report indicates not only whether nutrients and lime are needed; it also tells you how much to apply per 1,000 square feet. Incorporate the lime to a depth of 4 inches and fertilizers 1 inch below the surface.

    • 3

      Rake the planting bed to smooth it out. Push a lawn roller over surface to remove air pockets. Look for sunken and elevated areas after using the roller. Fill the former with topsoil and shave some soil off the latter with a shovel.

    • 4

      Measure the dimensions of the turf area. Order enough sod to cover the space. Ask that it be delivered on a day you are available to install the new turf right away. Sod roots die quickly without a moist soil bed.

    • 5

      Arrange the sod sections in straight areas of the lawn first. Stagger the pieces of grass as you lay them next to each other to avoid gaps. Verify that side-by-side sod touches each other as you lay them down. Begin irrigating the installed grass sections within no more than 20 minutes of putting them down. Do not wait until you finish the job to apply water. Give every turf area 1 inch of water at planting.

    • 6

      Shape the sod around irregular areas, such as driveways and flowerbeds, cutting it with a sharp garden knife. Verify that, on the other side, the grass piece touches the closest sod section to prevent gaps.

    • 7

      Push the lawn roller over the sod to bring its roots into close contact with the soil. Do not allow any traffic on the newly installed turf for three weeks.

    • 8

      Continue to maintain the turf bed irrigated until the grass plants become established. The roots are firmly grounded when you are not able to uproot a tuft of grass pulling it by hand. After establishment, water, fertilize and mow the grass according to the recommended schedule for the species.