Home Garden

How to Place Sod

Laying sod is a suitable way of converting a bare yard into a luscious lawn within a matter of hours. Sod provides instant gratification that enhances the appearance of the landscape and increases curb value. Site preparation and proper planting give the sod a head start. Because laying sod is a costly investment as compared to planting grass seed, learning to install it properly and care for it afterward is crucial for its success.

Things You'll Need

  • Tiller
  • Soil testing kit
  • Compost
  • Sand (optional)
  • Starter fertilizer
  • Rake
  • Garden hose
  • Knife
  • Water roller
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    • 1

      Loosen the top 6 inches of soil over the area where you want to lay sod with a Tiller. Test the pH level of the soil with a soil testing kit.

    • 2

      Add 2 inches of compost to the area, along with 2 inches of sand to improve drainage of clay soil. Also add starter fertilizer based on the pH of your soil. Till the soil amendments so they mix well with the existing soil.

    • 3

      Rake the amendments in the soil to level the surface. Knock out any bumps or compacted mounds of soil with the back of the rake, and fill any low spots. Make sure the soil lies 1 inch below the grade of an adjacent walkway or pathway.

    • 4

      Water the soil thoroughly the night before placing sod. Make sure the it is adequately moist, not soggy.

    • 5

      Find the longest, straightest edge in your yard to lay sod. Place the roll of sod at a corner and begin unrolling it. Smooth out any creases and pat it down so it lies flat over the soil, with no air pockets. Lay another roll flush against the end of the previous one and continue unrolling it until you cover the area. Cut any excess off with a knife or pointed end of the shovel.

    • 6

      Stagger subsequent rows to give the landscape a natural look instead of lining the sod rolls perfectly. Cut half the roll off with a knife before laying it to cover the second row, and all subsequent rows. Continue the process of laying the sod rolls until you reach the end of your yard. Cut holes for any in-ground sprinkler heads as you unroll individual sod strips.

    • 7

      Roll a water roller over the sod immediately after placing it to ensure good contact of the roots with the amended soil.

    • 8

      Water the sod within 30 to 40 minutes after laying it to prevent it from going into transplant shock. Continue watering every day, preferably in the morning, for the first week. Water the sod every second day during the second week, and two times a week during the third week. Afterward, give it 1 inch of water every week.