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The Germination of Zenith Zoysia

Zenith zoysia is a hybrid turfgrass. It is a warm-season turf that is more shade-tolerant than most and, because it is also disease-resistant and drought-tolerant, it requires little maintenance. Seeds germinate, under ideal conditions, within 14 to 28 days. The ideal time to plant Zenith zoysia is when the soil warms to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  1. Preparation of the Seedbed

    • Clean up the seedbed by removing rocks, roots and other debris. Weeds compete with the seedlings for nutrients and moisture. Apply a pre-emergent weed control product 90 days before planting the Zenith zoysia seeds. Just before planting, kill existing weeds with a glyphosate herbicide, according to package directions. Rake the dead weeds from the area, being careful not to spread seeds over the planting area. Bag them and dispose of them.


    • Measure the soil's pH and add lime to bring it to between 5.8 to 6.5. If you aren't sure how much lime to add, a rule of thumb is 50 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. To give the seedlings a strong start, add a starter fertilizer to the soil as well. Apply a 5-10-5 analysis fertilizer at 10 lbs. per 1,000 square feet of seedbed. Mix both the lime and the fertilizer into the top 12 inches of soil.

    Sowing the Seed

    • Zenith zoysia seeds are small, so set the seed spreader to the lowest setting. Sow the seed at a rate of 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet of seedbed. Run a rake over the surface to lightly cover the seeds with soil. Zoysia requires light to germinate so don't cover the seeds too deeply. Use a lawn roller to roll over the seedbed and water it to a depth of 6 inches. Use a fine mist setting on the hose to avoid washing the seeds away.

    Care During and After Germination

    • Water the seedbed several times a day to keep the surface moist at all times. Once most of the seeds have sprouted, decrease the frequency of irrigation to once a day, to moisten the top 3 inches of soil. Although fertilizer is important, wait until the seedlings have been up for one month to add more fertilizer. Use nitrogen fertilizer, at the rate listed on the label, and reapply it every two weeks for the next month. Mow the lawn to 2 inches as soon as it has exceeded that height.