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Guide to Germination of Bean Seeds

Bean plants grow readily from seeds when planted and cared for correctly. The seeds germinate quickly, typically sending up sprouts in as little as one week after sowing. Planting the seeds in the right area and providing enough moisture in the first days after planting ensures that the majority of seeds germinate and grow into healthy plants.
  1. Site and Temperature

    • Beans require at least eight hours of direct sunlight to grow. The plants can't thrive in overly wet or dry soils. Wet soils suffocate the roots, eventually causing the bean plants to wither and die. Overly dry soils cause wilting and plant death. A site with well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter provides the best moisture conditions. Sow the seeds in the bed after spring frost danger is past and once the soil begins to warm. The seeds germinate best when the soil temperature is above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Soil Preparation

    • Amendments improve less than ideal soil. Adding compost to the bed before seeding improves the soil quality, which leads to improved germination and plant health. The compost adds necessary organic matter for proper water retention, while also providing some nutrients to the site. Beans require minimal fertilization to sprout and grow. An application of 1 cup of a 5-10-10 fertilizer blend to every 50-foot row prior to planting gives the beans the necessary nutrition to form healthy roots.

    Seed Sowing

    • The shallow-rooted seedlings don't transplant well, so beans are typically sown directly in the garden bed. Beans don't require a lot of space to grow. Spacing requirements depend on whether you plant small bush varieties or tall pole types. Plant all types of bean seeds 1 inch deep in moist soil. Pole beans require a six- to 10-foot spacing along a support system, such as a trellis. Install the support system when sowing the seeds. Other bean types, including bush, soy and wax beans, require a two- to four-inch spacing. Space bush bean rows as close as two feet. Pole types require a row spacing of three to four feet so there is room for a support along each row.


    • Beans require consistent soil moisture during germination and once they are growing. Overly wet soil causes the seeds to rot before they can sprout, but the seeds are unable to sprout in dry soil. Watering the bed before you sow the seeds provides moisture for the first few days after planting. Apply enough water to moisten the top 6 inches of soil. Check the soil moisture daily and water again when the top inch of soil feels dry. Once the seeds germinate, beans require approximately 1 inch of water a week applied in one or two weekly irrigations.