Home Garden

The Best Way to Dig a Hole for a Baby Blue Spruce

Baby blue Colorado spruce trees, which reach a height of 30 feet and a width of 15 feet, are evergreens known for their silvery blue needles. The trees are known for their smaller stature and are often used for yard landscaping purposes. Baby blue spruce trees are also used as Christmas trees. If you're considering planting a Colorado spruce in your yard, the tree prefers well-drained soil. To dig the hole for the spruce, all you'll need is a shovel and a little elbow grease.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure or stick
  • Shovel
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      Measure the height of the baby blue spruce's root ball using a tape measure or a measuring stick.

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      Use a shovel to dig the soil to a depth that is one to two inches shorter than the height of the tree's root ball.

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      Create a saucer-shaped hole, which will encourage fast root regeneration by directing the roots upward toward richer oxygen levels.

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      Measure the width of the tree's root ball using a tape measure or measuring stick. Make the planting hole twice as wide as the root ball. If the root ball is 15 inches in diameter, for example, create a 30-inch-wide hole.

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      Set the tree into the hole, making sure to place the root ball on undisturbed soil.