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How to Water Zoysia Sod

Zoysia is a warm-season grass that grows best in regions where winters stay mild. Because zoysia grass is difficult to germinate and grow from seed, most zoysia grass lawns are created by laying sod. Zoysia grass is less drought-tolerant than other warm-season grasses and needs constant moisture during the first few weeks in order for the sod grass to take root and thrive. You should water your zoysia sod in mid-morning to allow enough time for the grass blades to dry off before evening to prevent diseases.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Sprinkler attachment
  • Spray nozzle attachment
  • Irrigation system (optional)
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      Hose spray nozzle and sprinkler

      Water your zoysia sod using a garden hose with a spray nozzle or sprinkler attachment to apply 1 inch of water right after you finish laying the sod.

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      Water your zoysia sod each day for the first two weeks to apply about 1/2 inch of water, or enough water to keep the top 1 inch of soil from drying out.

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      Apply 1/4 inch of water once every three days for about nine days. Water in this way after the first two weeks are up and the zoysia sod has rooted into the soil bed.

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      Water your zoysia sod once every five days for the next 10 days. Apply 1/2 inch of water each time.

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      Supplement rainfall for the rest of the growing season to give your zoysia sod at least 1 inch of water each week.