Home Garden

How to Plant New Grass Seeds

Occasionally a homeowner will need to plant new grass seed in areas worn by foot traffic, or in a spot that does not receive enough sunlight to grow grass properly. These bare patches of dirt or dead grass can be unsightly. No matter what the reason, planting new grass seed is an easy task that can be done successfully by almost anyone.

Things You'll Need

  • Grass seed (a sun-and-shade blend)
  • Lawnmower
  • Garden rake
  • Seed-starter fertilizer
  • Hay
  • Hose and sprinkler
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      Mow your lawn, cutting the current grass down as short as possible.

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      Remove any debris or dead grass from your yard. The dead grass can easily be lifted by using a garden rake. Rake over the area and then pull up the dead grass with your hands.

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      Rake the bare spots in your yard to loosen the soil. Loosen the top 1/4-inch of soil. This will allow for proper growing once you plant the new grass seed. Add seed starter-fertilizer to these bare spots. Seed-starter fertilizer can be bought at any home store.

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      Spread the grass seed evenly over the bare spots and areas of dead grass. This can easily be done by hand, taking a handful of grass seed and spreading it onto these areas. Approximately 16 seeds per square inch is ideal. Be careful not to add too many seeds, because seeds that are planted too close together will fight for room and nutrients, according to GreenView, a Pennsylvania-based seed and fertilizer company.

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      Rake over the areas where you have just planted the grass seed to lightly cover the grass seed with soil. Lay hay over the areas that you have planted the seed. This will prevent birds or other animals from eating the grass seed and holds seed in place. Laying hay will also retain more moisture to assist with growing.

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      Water the grass at least once daily until the new grass is at least 2 inches high. It's important to water the grass regularly to keep the roots moist. Water lightly--do not saturate as this could down the seeds and prevent them from growing properly.