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How to Make Exterior Handrails Out of PVC Pipe

Handrails help keep people safe and also keep them out of areas you do not want them in. For instance, if you have a pond, handrails keep the viewers from falling in. Or, you could place them along a garden path to keep visitors from trampling your flowers. To add handrails to your property you could hire a professional. Or, if you prefer to do it yourself, use PVC to create a rust-free handrail.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • 44-by-2-inch PVC pipes
  • Rubber mallet
  • PVC glue
  • Paintbrush
  • 90-degree angle corner joints
  • 3-way Tee joints
  • 26-by-2-inch PVC pipes
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    • 1

      Determine the length of the handrail needed. Measure the length of the pathway or circumference of the pond using a measuring tape.

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      Place a 44-by-2-inch PVC pipe every 24 inches down the length of the path or around the diameter of the pond. Insert the pipes into the ground by pounding the tops of the pipes with a rubber mallet. Insert each pipe 10 inches into the ground.

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      Coat the top of the first pipe with PVC glue. Use a paintbrush to apply a thin coat. Press a 90-degree angle corner joint onto the pipe with open end of the joint pointed toward the next pipe. Tap the top of the joint with a rubber mallet if you have trouble putting it on.

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      Apply PVC glue to the top of the next pipe and place a 3-way Tee joint on top of the pipe. Position two cross-joints pointed toward the next pipe and the first pipe. Continue placing 3-way Tee joints in this manner until you reach the last pipe. Place a 90-degree angle corner joint on the last pipe. If you are using handrails around a pond, skip the 90-degree angle joints and just use the 3-way joints.

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      Apply PVC glue to the ends of a 26-by-2-inch PVC pipe. Insert the pipe into the open joints in the first and second pipe connectors. Place one 26-inch pipe into each of the pairs of open pipe connector until the handrail is complete.