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How to Make a Garden Trellis From Soda Bottles

Trellis are beautiful--a bare framework that turns into a living structure. Add environmental elements to its beauty by making a trellis from plastic soda bottles. In this way, you can combine reduce, reuse, recycle into something creative. These trellises can be used in your flower garden for climbing plants like roses, honeysuckle, clematis and sweet peas.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic soda bottles (number depends on trellis size)
  • Scissors
  • Safety glasses
  • Vise
  • Leather gloves
  • Heat gun
  • Containers
  • Plastic or acrylic paints
  • Water
  • Drill and 1/8-inch bit
  • Fishing line
  • Beads
  • Wire
  • Wooden ladder
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    • 1

      Remove labels from the soda bottles with a pair of scissors.

    • 2

      Put on a pair of safety glasses. Insert one end of a plastic bottle into a vise and secure it. After donning a pair of heavy leather gloves, heat the bottle with a heat gun and twist the bottle with your hand until you create a pleasing shape. Repeat these steps with all of the bottles.

    • 3

      Set two containers on your work table. To one, add more than one shade of acrylic or plastic paint and some water. To the other container, add one shade of paint and some water. Add just enough water to dilute the paint.

    • 4

      Add some water to all of the clear bottles, and pour in some of the multicolored paint. Put your thumb over the top of the bottle and shake it, covering the inside of the bottle with paint. Pour the paint from the bottle back into the container. Repeat this process with all of the clear bottles. Dip the colored bottles into the container that has one shade of paint. Let the paint dry.

    • 5

      Drill 1/8-inch holes in the bottom of the bottles while wearing safety glasses. Take a length of fishing line and a bead. Measure up at least six inches on the line and tie a bead to the line.

    • 6

      Thread the line through the bottom of a bottle and out the top. Tie on another bead and add another bottle. Continue doing this until you have created a line of bottles until you have the length you want. Leave at least eight inches of fishing line above the top bottle. Repeat this step until you have enough bottle-covered lines to cover the ladder.

    • 7

      Secure the bottle-covered lines to the ladder by tying them to the top and bottom rungs of the ladder. Secure the ladder in place with wire if necessary.