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How to Use Palm Tree Fronds to Make an Umbrella

Palm tree fronds are the large leaves of palm trees. Using palm trees fronds to make an umbrella is a great way to add a little island flair to your tiki bar or patio. Use an old outdoor umbrella as the frame of your palm tree frond umbrella. The palm tree frond umbrella will not repel water but can be used as a decorative accent indoors or outdoors.

Things You'll Need

  • Outdoor umbrella
  • Tape measure
  • Stake
  • String
  • Spray paint
  • 50 dry palm fronds
  • Twine
  • Scissors
  • Ladder
  • Pruning shears
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    • 1

      Measure the circumference of an outdoor umbrella with a tape measure.

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      Make a template to lay your palm fronds on. Drive a stake in the ground in the middle of a flat area. Tie a piece of string to the stake. Cut the piece of sting to half the measurement of the umbrella circumference. Hold a spray paint can with the nozzle pointed down at the end of the string. Walk in a circle around the stake to make a circle the size of the umbrella on the ground.

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      Start laying your palm leaves. Lay the palm fronds around the circle so that their stems meet in the center. Overlap the fronds as you go until the circle is complete. Use leftover fronds for other projects if your circle requires less than 50 fronds.

    • 4

      Tie the stems together. Wrap twine around each stem and tie a knot then move on to the stem beside it. Connect all the stems this way then tie a knot connecting the first and last stems together.

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      Weave the fronds together. Weave a piece of twine up, then over each frond in the circle about 5 to 6 inches away from where the stems meet. Then tie the twine together where the first frond and last frond that were woven meet.

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      Weave four more rows of twine through the fronds making each woven row about 5 to 6 inches away from the last.

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      Open the outdoor umbrella and place it in its final position in a stand or table base. Lift the circle of palm fronds with the help of a friend over the top of the umbrella so that it covers the umbrella's fabric. Use a ladder if needed.

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      Pull the stems of the fronds into the hole in the top of the umbrella. Tie the stems together with twine from under the canopy of the umbrella. Cut any long ends that could damage the umbrella's fabric with pruning shears.