Home Garden

How to Drive Away Bees

Anybody who's ever been stung by a bee will tell you: bee stings hurt. Over time, some people develop a phobia of bees. Many people have an allergic reaction when stung, which if left untreated can result in death. Although a they are an integral part of the environment and produce popular products like honey and bee's wax, many people hold a "not in my yard" attitude when it comes to bees. Luckily, a number of methods can drive them away.

Things You'll Need

  • Pesticide or borax powder
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      Identify the site of your bee infestation. Most species of bees gather in a hive. Beehives are usually found in hollow trees or crevices along your house.

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      Remove points of interest that are drawing bees. Bees are often attracted to unused wood piles and bright colors.

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      Apply commercial pesticide or borax powder to the bee hive. Pesticides and borax powder (boric acid) are poisonous to bees and will prevent them from reproducing. Follow directions on the label carefully.

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      Contact an exterminator if you're unable to drive away the bees yourself. An exterminator will remove the hive, as well as any other factors that could be attracting the bees.