Home Garden

How to Harvest Bee Honey

Basic harvesting of honey can lead to homegrown goodies without using modern or expensive machinery. For some gardeners, honey bees are essential for pollinating and cross-pollinating flowers and vegetables. The small stinging creatures spread seeds and items for germination. In addition to pollination, the bees create sweet honey from the flowers in the yard. Harvesting this honey can be a simple and satisfying task for the hive owner.

Things You'll Need

  • Bee hood
  • Smoker
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Large buckets with lids
  • Carving knife
  • Cheese cloth
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    • 1

      Dress in protective gear. Use a bee keepers hat complete with mask and long gloves. Clothing that covers the body completely is recommended.

    • 2

      Smoke the hive from the sides to sooth the bees. This makes the bees eat honey and relax. Many will fly away to seek flowers and blooms after they eat, lessening the number present in the hive.

    • 3

      Remove the top of the hive. Use a flat head screwdriver to pry up the lid one corner at a time. Work slowly and smoothly, avoiding jerking motions.

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      Remove the first pane in the hive. This is covered with honeycomb and honey produced by the bees. You will want to remove the panes one by one.

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      Brush the bees from the pane. Gently push them off in a light sweeping motion.

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      Cut the comb from the pane. Leave approximately 3/4 of an inch of comb around the edge. Drop the honeycomb in a clean bucket and place the lid on.

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      Repeat the process for each pane. Place the panes back in as you cut out the honeycomb.

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      Place each piece of honeycomb into cheese cloth and squeeze out the honey. Let the honey drip into a clean bucket.

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      Dip or pour the honey from the bucket into jars with lids to store.