Home Garden

How to Hide Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler heads make the process of watering yards and gardens easier, with sprinkler systems covering the entire space with the touch of a button. Outdoor spaces with sprinkler systems will include sprinkler heads embedded into the ground. One reason for hiding the sprinkler heads may be that the system no longer works, but you don't want to dig up the entire yard to remove them. It also may be that the system works, but you don't like how the sprinkler heads look.

Things You'll Need

  • Hollow rocks
  • Bushes
  • Shrubs
  • Potted plants
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    • 1

      Cover the sprinkler heads with fake, hollow rocks. These landscape features have a hollow center but an exterior appearance that looks like stone. When you want to use the sprinklers, simply lift the covers off and use the system.

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      Plant bushes over the sprinkler heads for a system that no longer functions. Position the bushes so the sprinkler heads are completely concealed.

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      Install a sprinkler system with retractable heads. Turn the system off and the sprinkler heads retreat back into the ground under a cover, hiding them from view.

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      Cover the sprinkler heads of a broken system with mulch or pebbles. Plant decorative shrubs or flowers in the ground covering to turn the space into a small garden.

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      Place potted plants over the sprinkler heads. Remove the pots from each sprinkler head when you need to water the area.