Home Garden

How to Prevent a Broken Sprinkler Head

Sprinklers save a lot of time and effort in keeping your lawn properly watered. Automated systems have sprinkler heads buried in the lawn that pop up at preset times to water your lawn for several minutes before dropping back into the grass again. A sprinkler head can break if one gets kicked or run over while it is in the "up" position; they can be expensive to replace. Preventing a broken sprinkler head requires some planning and diligence.


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      Schedule your sprinkler system to activate late at night so people are less likely to be walking on the lawn when the heads are up and spraying. This limits the chance of someone tripping on one, which is a common cause for broken heads.

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      Inspect the heads regularly to ensure dirt has not gotten stuck in them that causes the heads to protrude up from the ground. If the heads are partially up due to dirt clogging, they are more likely to be tripped on or broken by a lawnmower running over them.

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      Avoid the sprinkler heads when mowing the lawn. Mowers can badly damage the heads and this can be avoided by keeping the blades on the mower higher and ensuring the wheels don't run over the heads during lawn maintenance.

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      Use sprinkler heads with swing joints, which allow the head to swivel 360 degrees. This helps prevent breakage since the sprinkler head can move in the same direction as an impact and then reset itself.