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How to Grow Herbs in Arkansas

Growing herbs is an easy way to add a little natural zest to your diet without breaking the bank. Most herbs don't require any expertise to grow, and they thrive in gardens, flower beds or even pots. The temperate climate of Arkansas makes it an ideal location to grow herb gardens, allowing you to grow almost any species of herb and harvest it all year long.


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      Choose the species of herbs you want to plant. Some of the easiest varieties to grow include basil, rosemary, chives and thyme, but feel free to pick something more difficult if you think you're up to the challenge. Confirm that the herbs in which you're interested will grow in your area. Arkansas encompasses hardiness zones 6b through 8a. Look up the online USDA plant hardiness zone map to find which zone you're located in and then consult an online plant encyclopedia like Floridata to see whether the herb grows in that region.

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      Visit your local plant nursery and purchase seeds or small herb plants. Talk to the gardeners at your nursery and take the conditions in your area into consideration before planting. Arkansas is known for sparse, acidic soil and above-average rainfall --- factors that can impact herb growth if not recognized and accounted for.

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      Plant your herbs and care for them as needed. If you're growing herbs such as basil that cannot survive the frost, plant them in a container that can be brought indoors during the cold. If you want rosemary, choose the hardier Arp cultivar that can tolerate Arkansas winter weather. Choose a location that receives full sun during the day, and add lime to the soil for herbs such as rosemary and thyme, to counteract the acid levels. Most of the time there will be enough rain for your herbs, but remember to water them during dryer periods.

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      Clip the foliage of your herbs occasionally; preferably in the midmorning, after the dew has evaporated. Use the herb clippings in your cooking, whether following a recipe or experimenting as you please.