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How to Grow Herbs in Sydney

Herbs are a simple way to spice up any dish. Buying herbs at the grocery store limits your control over quantity and quality, as most herbs are sold in large packets and do not keep well in the refrigerator. By growing your own herbs at home, you have an easy supply at your fingertips. Herb gardens also create a pleasant aesthetic addition and aroma. Sydney's temperate climate is a great environment for growing herbs.

Things You'll Need

  • Large plant/herb pot with sections for varying herbs
  • Soil
  • Herb seeds
  • Fertilizer
  • Watering can
  • Water
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      Plant herb seeds during Sydney's spring and summer months from October to February. Indigenous herbs include wattleseed, hibiscus, lemon myrtle, aniseed myrtle, cinnamon myrtle, native peppermint, forestberry herb, alpine pepper, mountain pepper and pepperberries.

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      Fill a large pot with fresh planting soil that accommodates the type of herbs you are planting. In Sydney, you will find sandy soil, clay soil or a combination of the two.

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      Open up the seed packet and gently lay the herb seeds under about 3 inches of topsoil.

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      Add fertilizer to your planting pot. Fertilize during the growing period of your herbs (usually in the spring or summer, from October to February). Sandy soils, which are lower in nutrients, require more fertilizer than clay soils.

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      Add water to dampen the soil but not saturate it. Follow the herb packet instructions for continuing the recommended daily water routine.

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      Place the planted pot in the correct amount of sunlight that the seeds prescribe.

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      Check on the herbs from day to day as they grow, following the water recommendations.

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      Remove dead leaves and debris from your potted plant to keep herbs healthy.

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      Store herbs in a temperate location during the winter months or in harsh conditions, such as indoors near a light source.