Home Garden

How to Plant an Herb Garden in Southern Florida

If preparing fresh food is a passion of yours, there is no better way to enhance your culinary creations than by using herbs you have grown yourself. South Florida is a great place to cultivate many kinds of herbs that will add flavor to your dishes. The following steps will help you get your herb plants off to the best start possible in southern Florida.

Things You'll Need

  • Container for garden planting
  • Gardening soil
  • Internet access
  • Recipes to determine herbs to grow
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      Look through your most popular recipes to determine the herbs that you will use most often in your kitchen.

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      Contact the agriculture extension agency for your county in southern Florida for information on the specific care of herbs that you are interested in growing. Make sure to use the Internet to check these herbs against lists of the herbs that will tolerate the climate of southern Florida.

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      Select a spot in your yard that is best-suited for your herb garden based on what you learned from your extension agency. For ground planting, use bonemeal, blood meal, cottonseed meal and compost. For container planting, use a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote.

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      Choose herbs that are tolerant of the sun exposure they will receive in southern Florida. Some that are good for the climate are basil, chives, cilantro, dill, thyme, parsley and oregano.

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      Pay attention to the size that herbs will become so that you are not planting taller, shade-creating plants that will interfere with plants that need full sun.

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      Select herb plants that will tolerate the heavy rainfall and occasional flooding common in southern Florida.