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How to Build a Herb Garden Container

Plant your favorite herbs to use in meals and bouquets. Pack them into a large container to create a full and stunning pot. Nestle them along a garden border or directly into the garden for a creative focal point. For easy use, set the pot near the backdoor. Regularly pinch back the herbs to stimulate new growth and free up nutrients to young shoots. Dry the herbs to use in the winter months for seasoning soups.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Broken pot pieces
  • Compost
  • Potting soil
  • Herbs
  • Garden spade
  • Water
  • Mulch
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      Create an outline of the herb container to consult as you begin the planting process. Choose a large container to hold the herbs, at least 1 foot by 1 foot.

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      Put a 1-inch layer of broken pot pieces down on the bottom of the herb container. This will prevent the water from flooding out the bottom and ensure a gradual drain.

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      Pour equal amounts of compost and potting soil into the container until it reaches 5 inches from the top of the lip of the container. Gently pull apart each root ball on the herbs. This will allow the roots to spread in the pot and soak up the nutrient-laden compost.

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      Dig one hole per herb plant with a garden spade to make space in the container for each plant. Add herbs like dill and fennel in the back of the pot for height. Plant tarragon and thyme in the front of the container, to spill and cascade over the pot. Insert the herbs into the hole and gently press down to ensure a snug fit and to cover the roots with soil.

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      Situate the herb container in full sun. Make sure the herbs receive between 4 and 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Water the herbs so the water seeps from the bottom of the container, which indicates the water has rushed through the plant and root system.

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      Add a 1-inch layer of mulch around the herbs to keep the plants moist in the summer. Mulch acts as a barrier and helps the plant to retain moisture.