Home Garden

How to Weed an AeroGarden

An AeroGarden provides a cultivated plant-growing area that can be placed indoors. These units require little surface space, while providing optimal temperature, moisture, sun levels and nutrients to the plants. These gardens don't need dirt to grow edible plants and you can use them year-round. If for some reason you need to weed unwanted plants from your AeroGarden, you can accomplish this within minutes, with relative ease and no tools.


    • 1

      Unplug your AeroGarden from the electrical outlet. This is for your own safety as you work.

    • 2

      Raise the lamp hood if you need more room to work. Grab the lamp arm where it meets the lamp hood with one hand while you push in the locking lever with the opposite hand. Pull up on the lamp arm to extend it to give you more room.

    • 3

      Pull the seed pod from the growing surface that you want to weed. Lift by the edges of the seed pod and pull straight up. The roots will be dangling below so be careful when you remove it.

    • 4

      Carefully examine the seed pod. Find and isolate the plant that you want to remove or weed out. Use your fingers to pinch the base of the plant, near the top of the seed pod.

    • 5

      Slowly wiggle the isolated plant free, up and away from the seed pod. The roots are usually interwoven with other roots so take your time as you slowly pull the unwanted plant from the seed pod. Hold any other plants in the seed pod in place with your fingers as you work.

    • 6

      Discard the unwanted plant. Weed any other plants that need attention.

    • 7

      Place the seed pod back in the growing surface. Be careful to place all the roots inside the hole as you put the pod back in position.

    • 8

      Return the lamp hood to its original position, if you adjusted it. Plug the unit back in and turn the light back on. The "Lights On/Off" button is on the upper left section of the AeroGarden control panel.