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How Do I Mix Drilling Mud?

Drilling mud is commonly used in deep drilling applications, such as well drilling. It is is created by mixing a powdered version of bentonite clay with water. All deep drills use a drilling water tank to inject water inside the drilled hole. Adding bentonite provides further lubrication to the drilling procedure. The thick liquid allows rocks, dirt and other debris to be easily lifted out of the drilling shaft as the drill plunges deeper. It also helps to remove earth from the bottom of the drill, preventing the bit from seizing.

Things You'll Need

  • Bentonite powder
  • Clean container
  • Strainer
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    • 1

      Open the bag of bentonite. Add it the powder to the water circulating pan of the drill. Pour the powder in slowly so as not to cause lumps in the solution.

    • 2

      Allow the powder to circulate in the water pump and mix for at least five minutes before drilling.

    • 3

      Resume drilling the well when the solution is properly mixed.

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      While drilling, catch some of the bentonite solution in a clean container as it circulates back into the return water pan.

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      Allow the bentonite solution to settle for five minutes. Strain out the liquid and examine the cuttings in the bottom of the container. Too many cuttings means that the viscosity of the bentonite solution is too low. Add more powder as needed to increase the viscosity.