Home Garden

How to Loosen Up 3 Inches of Dirt

Whether you want to put in a backyard garden, plant grass or dig a spot for a few flowers, the soil needs to be loosened for the job to be done right. The size of the space will determine the means you use to prepare the soil. Large jobs don't need to break your back if you use the appropriate garden equipment. Loosening the soil is also referred to as cultivating. This is an opportune time to mix fertilizer and compost into the soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden tiller
  • Ruler
  • Garden hoe
  • Garden fork
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  1. Garden Tiller

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      Adjust the height of the blades. Models will vary, but generally there is a lever near the rear wheels to set the height of the blades. Opposite the lever is a strip of metal containing holes at various heights. Select a hole and insert the hook end of the lever into the hole. Doing this will raise or lower the wheels, which in turn adjusts the blades.

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      Test a patch of ground with the setting you selected. Use a ruler to measure the depth of the soil that has been loosened if you need an exact measurement.

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      Make the necessary adjustments to raise or lower the blades until you achieve a depth of 3 inches.

    Garden Hoe and Fork

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      Chop into the ground with a garden hoe. Pull the hoe toward you to loosen the soil. Use a garden fork to loosen dirt when the soil is rocky.

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      Continue to chop or dig into the soil until you reach the desired depth.

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      Break apart large clumps of soil by striking the dirt clumps until the clumps split apart. Remove large rocks that have been brought to the surface.