Home Garden

How to Farm With Belly Attachments on a Tractor

Vegetable and fruit plantings bring bright color and full harvests to home gardeners, but always require specific growing conditions. Gardeners dig into and amend soil, remove rocks and weeds, spread mulch and keep soil healthy with weeding to keep their vegetables growing. In large vegetable patches and fields, though, these simple tasks become overwhelming. Take care of mowing, mulching and digging with tractor belly attachments to start the process more quickly.

Things You'll Need

  • Mower attachment
  • Mulching attachment
  • Tilling attachment
  • Organic compost
  • Fertilizer
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      Mow the vegetable garden or field two to three weeks before planting to give the soil time to rest and recover afterward.

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      Attach the mower belly attachment and drive long, straight lines to set the vegetable plot.

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      Attach the mulching belly attachment and drive the rows again to shred the weeds into mulch. Leave the mulched weeds on the soil if you want to incorporate them into the soil as mulch. If you want to eliminate them, use a rake or a raking attachment to gather them.

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      Lay 2 to 3 inches of organic compost over the entire plot.

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      Add 13-13-13 granular fertilizer at a rate of 1 lb. of fertilizer to every 100 square feet.

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      Attach a tilling belly attachment to dig the compost and fertilizer mixture into the top 6 inches of natural soil. The organic compost, mulched weeds and fertilizer provide nutrition and moisture retention for healthy vegetable plants, while digging aerates and loosens the soil for root growth.