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Homemade Hydroponic System From PVC

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without the use of soil. To replace the nutrients necessary for plant growth, a hydroponic nutrient solution is used to feed the plants. A growing system that consists of tubing is required to hold the plant roots and the nutrient solution. PVC, a plastic made of vinyl monomers chained together to make a hard, durable substance, is a cheap and effective building material for a hydroponic garden. A hydroponic system can cost less than $50 when using PVC.

Things You'll Need

  • 1-inch PVC
  • T-elbows (2)
  • 90-degree elbows (4)
  • 24-inch PVC
  • Hole saw
  • Measuring tape
  • End caps
  • 36-inch pipe
  • Cross elbow
  • 4-inch PVC
  • Drainpipe
  • Bucket
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    • 1

      Place a cap on the end of two 1-inch PVC pipes that are 11 inches long. Hit each cap with a rubber mallet to secure it in place.

    • 2

      Position a T-elbow on the top of the two 11-inch long PVC pipes. Insert a 1-inch section of PVC pipe that is 11 inches long into each T-elbow.

    • 3

      Place a 90-degree elbow on each of the 1-inch PVC sections that are 11 inches in length at the top. Insert a 1-inch section of PVC that is 24 inches in length between the elbows to make the front end of the piece. This is the front support. Repeat this process to create a rear support with the 10-inch long PVC pieces to create an angle for the nutrient solution to drain.

    • 4

      Connect the front and back supports with two 24-inch long PVC pipes inserted into the middle of the T-elbows.

    • 5

      Drill 1-1/2 inch holes into the sides of three 36-inch long PVC pipes every 8 inches. Clean out the inside of the pipes.

    • 6

      Place a cross elbow at each end of the drilled 36-inch PVC pipes.

    • 7

      Insert a 4-inch section of PVC into the sides of the cross elbow. Attach one 90-degree elbow on each open end that extends from the cross elbow.

    • 8

      Attach the last two 36-inch long drilled PVC pipes to the 90-degree elbows that come off of the cross elbows. Place end caps on all three 36-inch long drilled sections.

    • 9

      Insert a 3-inch section of pipe into the last remaining hole in the cross elbow. Attach a 3-inch section of drainpipe. Place a bucket under the drainpipe.