Home Garden

How to Prepare Railroad Ties

Railroad ties are an inexpensive way to give your garden or yard a rustic look. Because the ties are already cut, it's easy to create a block structure or steps, or to use the ties as borders on paths or for an entire lawn. Because they are soaked in creosote to prevent rotting, they are not recommended for use in vegetable gardens, but they make excellent raised beds for border shrubs and are ideal as a retaining wall. The preparation of your railroad ties depends on your intended use for them.

Things You'll Need

  • Scrub brush
  • Chain saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Orbital sander
  • Tack cloth
  • Paint or finish
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      Wash any surface dirt or debris off your railroad ties with water and a scrub brush. Railroad ties do not take pressure washing well, and soap is not usually necessary.

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      Allow the railroad ties to dry thoroughly.

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      Cut them to size using a chain saw -- watch out for old railroad spikes -- and place them in your garden or yard if they are to be used for landscaping.

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      Sand them down with a coarse-grit sandpaper on an orbital sander if you want to finish them further and use them as furniture or another indoor application.

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      Wipe them down with a tack cloth and then sand them to a finer finish with finer grits of sandpaper until they are the smoothness you desire.

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      Paint or finish the railroad ties with an oil-based paint or other finish you desire.