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How to Split a Log Using a Chain Saw

Whether you are cutting firewood for survival, or you just like your cozy fireplace in the winter time, knowing how to split your own wood can save money over buying it already split. Using a chainsaw to cut firewood is much faster than using an axe, but it is also more dangerous. There is a larger chance of wood chips hitting you in the eye, as well as hearing damage from the chainsaw. You can easily split wood with your chainsaw if you follow the proper technique.

Things You'll Need

  • Work gloves
  • Protective glasses
  • Ear plugs
  • Chainsaw
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      Put on your work gloves, protective glasses and ear plugs. These safety items will protect you from flying wood chips and noise.

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      Place the log upright on a flat surface to prevent it from tilting as you cut it.

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      Start the chainsaw and bring down through the center of the log. Keep the tip of the saw down, and cut with the base of the saw blade. Stop once you have cut all the way through.

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      Repeat the process with as many logs as you need.