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How to Scare Birds in Fruit Trees

Growing and caring for fruit trees can be quite a job in itself, let along dealing with the birds that may come eat the fruit before you get a chance to pick it. Some people feel they have to pick the fruit before it is ripe to prevent the birds from eating it. This isn't necessary as there are various methods and techniques that will scare and prevent any birds in your fruit trees.

Things You'll Need

  • 6 Aluminum pie pans
  • Mono-filament fishing string
  • 20 CDs
  • Scarecrow
  • Birdbath
  • Flowers
  • Scissors
  • Ladder
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    • 1

      Poke a hole an inch in from the edge of the aluminum pie pan. Poke a hole in all six pans. Hold two of the pans together. Run a two foot piece of fishing string through the holes in the pans. Tie the string ends together over a tree limb in the fruit tree. Construct the other two and hang them around the tree evenly spaced.

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      Run a two foot string through the center of a CD. Tie the string ends together over a tree limb in the fruit tree. Do this with all 20 CDs and hang them evenly spaced throughout the tree.

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      Purchase a small human sized scarecrow. Stake it into the ground right under the fruit tree. Birds are less likely to go into a tree if they see a human constantly standing by the tree.

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      Position a birdbath far away from the tree. Don't let the birds bathe near the fruit trees as they will go perch in the tree after cleaning themselves. Also plant flowers far from the tree or near the birdbath as the birds can get there fill of nectar from the various flowers you plant and won't want to bother the fruit tree.

    • 5

      Wrap mono-filament fishing string around the fruit tree 20 to 100 times. Wrap it around the tree like you would Christmas lights. Mono-filament fishing string is shiny and acts as a barrier preventing birds from going in the fruit tree.