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How to Create a Tree Archway

Creating an archway with trees adds beauty and a peaceful serenity to a section of your property. It is an effective way to create a tunnel of shade down the driveway to your home or other areas. Growing trees so that they form an arch is not difficult, but it does require the right types of trees and spacing to form the archway after several years of proper care.

Things You'll Need

  • Young trees
  • Garden tiller
  • Shovel
  • Tree fertilizer
  • Nylon rope
  • Pruning shears
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    • 1

      Clear the area of trees, shrubs and other plants and debris where you want the archway to grow.

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      Pick trees that grow fast, such as elm, silver maple, sassafras, sycamore, hemlock, cypress and hawthorn. They also have plenty of foliage to provide a tunnel of shade in the archway.

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      Loosen the soil with a garden tiller to a depth of about 10 inches.

    • 4

      Set stakes to mark the clearance where you want to create the archway. The amount of space necessary for the clearance depends on if you want to create a romantic pathway or if you are making the archway over a driveway or gate area.

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      Plant the trees according to the directions on the pot or from the garden center. Set them approximately 3 to 5 feet beyond the stakes to allow room for growth. The number of trees you use depends on how long you want the archway.

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      Care for the trees according to their individual needs depending on which type you plant. Water and fertilize them when necessary. The goal is for them to grow to approximately 12 feet in height to form an attractive archway. This may take five years or even longer than a decade depending on the type of tree.

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      Twist long and tall side branches from a tree on each side together loosely to form an archway. Do this gently without creating unnecessary damage or stress to the limbs. Tie the branches together in a couple of places with nylon rope.

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      Prune the limbs below the joined branches to prevent them from growing in the clearance area. Join the rest of the trees along the archway in the same manner. Prune the trees below the arch on a regular basis to keep it looking manicured.