Home Garden

How to Plant Corn Seed

Whether due to concerns about food borne illness or the poor economy, home gardening is growing. As recently as last summer, George Ball, president of Burpee Seed Company was quoted as saying that company's seed and plant sales were up by 30% to 40%. People everywhere are digging up plots in the back yard and growing their own fruits and vegetables, such as sweet corn.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden spot
  • Seeds
  • Shovel
  • Hoe
  • Rake
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    • 1

      Prepare your garden spot. Dig up the soil, break the sod clumps and remove any roots.

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      Rake the spot level.

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      Mark your rows. With corn it is important to plant in blocks, rather than long rows. The blocks should be four or five rows wide to allow the plants to germinate properly. The length of the rows isn't important as long as there are at least four or five of them.

    • 4

      Plant the seeds two inches deep and six to ten inches apart. Tamp the soil lightly over the seeds.

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      Water the soil. Corn requires a lot of water, so daily watering is recommended, especially during dry weather.