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How to Start Apricot Seeds

The apricot tree, a member of the prune plant family, grows from 25 to 40 feet in height. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, most apricot trees are started by cloning,or grafting growing young growing tips onto sturdy rootstock. This produces fruit identical to the tree from which the branch originally grew on. However, starting an apricot tree from seed is possible. Within three to five years, an apricot seed will produce an adult, fruit-bearing tree. Germinating an apricot seed is different from starting most other seeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Nutcracker
  • Cup
  • Plastic wide-mouth jar with lid
  • Potting soil
  • Refrigerator
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    • 1

      Remove the pit from an apricot and allow it to dry in a warm area for four days. This allows the seed inside to separate from the pit slightly, reducing the chance of breaking it.

    • 2

      Open the apricot pit, using a nutcracker, revealing the seed inside. The seed should resemble an almond.

    • 3

      Soak the seed in a cup of water for 24 hours.

    • 4

      Place 3 inches of potting soil into a jar and add water until all of the soil is damp.

    • 5

      Poke a quarter-inch hole into the potting soil with your index finger.

    • 6

      Place the seed into the hole and cover loosely with soil. Place the lid back onto the jar.

    • 7

      Refrigerate the jar for one to two months, until you see a sprout poke up through the soil. Remove the seed from the refrigerator and take the lid off the jar.

    • 8

      Allow the started apricot to grow in the jar, in a sunny area, for one month before transplanting it into a larger container.