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How to Wash an Acrylic Fabric Sunbrella

Acrylic fibers are known as synthetic materials. This means they are man-made through a chemical process, rather than gathered or spun from animals or plants (such as wool and silk). Acrylic fabric is resistant to moths, oils, chemicals and damage from sunlight exposure, which makes it a great fabric in the use of outdoor umbrellas that shade you from the sun. Cleaning your umbrella is a simple process. Storing it properly is important too. You should make sure you clean it before you store it for the winter, and always store it in a place that will stay dry.

Things You'll Need

  • Mild soap/detergent
  • Rough cloth or soft bristle brush
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    • 1

      Wet cloth or sponge with lukewarm water.

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      Apply soap to sponge.

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      Briskly rub the area of the umbrella that you wish to clean. Umbrellas should be spot cleaned only.

    • 4

      Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove soap. Allow to air dry completely.