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How a Hummingbird Feeder Works

According to the University of Kentucky, hummingbirds like artificial feeders because they provide about as much nectar as 2,000 to 5,000 flowers. Hummingbird feeders contain a sugar solution that resembles nectar in nutritional value.
  1. Attract Hummingbirds

    • According to the University of Cincinnati Clermont College, hummingbirds have good eyes but a poor sense of smell, so they find food by sight. They look for red flowers because of reduced competition from bees, which can't see the color well. Hummingbird feeders usually incorporate plenty of red to attract hummingbirds.

    Sugar Solution

    • Sugar solution for hummingbird feeders usually contains approximately 21 percent sugar to imitate the sugar content of nectar, according to North Carolina State University. Stronger sugar solutions could hinder digestion and attract insects.


    • Hummingbird feeders with an inverted bottle have a rubber stopper at the opening and a glass tube to allow the hummingbirds to access the sugar solution, according to North Carolina State University. When a hummingbird feeds on the sugar solution, a vacuum forms at the top of the bottle, keeping the rest of the liquid from draining out. Another type of feeder simply consists of a container with holes in its lid.