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How to Build a Caribbean Sun Umbrella

The Caribbean, dubbed by "The Washington Post" as "the holy land of palm trees and crescent beaches," is a popular vacation spot for many tourists. When you are unable to visit the islands, enjoy a daily tropical getaway in your own backyard under a Caribbean sun umbrella made from palm leaves and a patio umbrella. These umbrellas are perfect for any sunny day and will allow you to relax in the shade while fully capturing the island experience.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Patio umbrella
  • Twine
  • 50 palm leaves
  • Scissors
  • Pruning shears
  • Ladder
  • Patio umbrella base
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    • 1

      Measure around the circumference of a patio umbrella and outline a circle on the ground with twine to determine what variation of palm leaves to use. While all palm leaves are versatile, they vary in size, shape, texture and durability. Select the type that best suits your needs.

    • 2

      Gather approximately 50 palm leaves from trees in your backyard or purchase from a local gardening center. Dry each leaf by laying it in the sun for three to five days on a patio or deck.

    • 3

      Place a layer of palm leaves in the circle with the base of each leaf at the center of the circle and the tip of each leaf pointing toward the edge of the circle. Slightly overlap each leaf, leaving no gaps, as this will become the roof of the umbrella.

    • 4

      Bind twine to the stem of one of the palm leaves securely and use the same piece of twine to bind the next stem in a similar manner. Continue this pattern until all the stems in the circle are tied together.

    • 5

      Tie a second row of twine around each stem 6 to 8 inches below the first row. Repeat this process until there are a total of five rows of twine.

    • 6

      Tie a second full circle of palm leaves to the top of the first layer of leaves using twine. Continue this process until there are five complete layers of palm leaves.

    • 7

      Rest the palm leaf umbrella on top of the open patio umbrella. Pull the stem of each leaf through the open hole of the patio umbrella and bind the stems together using twine to keep the palm leaf umbrella in place. Trim any sharp edges of the palm leaves with pruning shears to prevent tears in the fabric of the patio umbrella.

    • 8

      Climb the steps of a ladder carefully, and gently lift the umbrella pole into the base from above. Secure the position of the palm leaf umbrella.