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How to Grow Flowers in Manure

Manure is an umbrella term used to refer to a variety of animal waste products, including fecal matter, barn run off and used litter. Like all organic material, manure contains valuable plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Maximizing the usefulness of this fertilizer requires an understanding of your soil and plant needs. Fertilizer should be applied only to correct deficiencies in the growing environment. Remember, more isn't always better; over-fertilizing your soil can lead to build up of salt and ammonia.

Things You'll Need

  • Soil test kit
  • Gloves
  • Rake
  • Manure, tested
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      Test your soil. Purchase a kit that reveals the pH, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium levels. Alternatively, hire a university extension to perform the test for a nominal fee.

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      Review the soil needs of your flower varieties, Pansies, for example, prefer a mixture of 5-10- 5, while roses can be grown with an all-purpose fertilizer such as 10-10-10. Vary the ratio based on the time of fertilizer application and plant maturity.

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      Compare the needs of your flowers with your test results. If your soil is low in nitrogen, a nitrogen-rich manure such as farrow-finish, pig lagoon slurry will be needed.

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      Put out rubber gloves and wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants when applying manure.

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      Till soil to break the surface and make it easier to incorporate the manure. Spread manure over the flowerbed and rake it to mix with soil.

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      Plant seeds or transplant seedlings and bulbs in the spring. Use a finger or stick to make a hole in the ground, drop in the seeds and cover. Follow the directions on the package regarding the depth and numbers of seeds to use. Transplant plants by placing your hand around the base of the plant with your fingers spread, tipping the pot and catching the root system with the soil attached. Squeeze the root ball gently to release knots, and place it in the ground. Cover with soil and do not over-compress the soil around the base of the plant.