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What Are the Results of Hummingbirds Being Attracted to Red Flowers?

Just as fast-moving people need to take in enough calories to fuel their activity level, hummingbirds have high energy needs. The hummingbird's fast flight requires frequent feeding. Certain flowers evolved with red coloring to attract hummingbirds to ensure pollination. The red flowers favored by these birds tend to be unscented, so they attract few competitors. Hummingbirds' bright colors, darting and hovering flight, territorial antics and beneficial pollination activities enhance a home flower garden.
  1. Background

    • Hummingbirds provide a key element in the ability of certain flowers to reproduce. Many flowering plants evolved "bird flowers" designed to be pollinated by birds. Deep-throated flowers, such as hibiscus and other deep or tubular blooms, suit hummingbirds -- they provide abundant nectar and are more difficult for other creatures to feed from, so the hummingbird has less competition.

      The frequency of hummingbird visits and their successful pollinating of red flowers may depend on the amount of nectars the red flowers produce, according to Spanish researchers who published their findings in the Public Library of Science's 2007 "PLoS Biology."

    Feeding and Pollination

    • In one of nature's reciprocal exchange systems, hummingbirds receive nutrition from flowers in the form of nectar. The nectar attracts them, resulting in the hummingbird acting as a pollinator for the plant. Many of the red flowers favored by humming birds have shapes that suit the hummingbird's long bill. The bill collects pollen as the bird feeds. The hummingbird transfers the pollen to a compatible flower and fertilizes it. This results in the flowering plant creating fertile seeds for reproduction. Because red flowers reward hummingbirds with a rich source of nectar and less competition from bees, moths, butterflies and other insects, humming birds feed from them often. This results in increasing the opportunities for pollination.


    • Researchers from Brazil's Universidade Federal do Parana studied interactions between 10 species of hummingbird and 12 species of bromeliad in an Atlantic rain forest reserve in southern Brazil. Hummingbirds tended to pollinate the bromeliads generally -- no specialization was observed between the hummingbird pollinators and their visits to bromeliads. The researchers concluded that there's no closer evolutionary relationship between bromeliads and hummingbirds than in other pollination networks. They published their findings in the 2007 "Journal of Tropical Ecology." Bromeliads produce long-lasting flowers, often in bright red. Although hummingbirds are attracted to red flowers, it isn't an exclusive preference.


    • Plain sugar and water provides suitable food for a garden hummingbird feeder. Dye and other additives can be harmful to hummingbirds. Clean and refill the feeders weekly to prevent mold.

      Red garden flowers attractive to hummingbirds include hibiscus, ginger, bromeliads, fuschias, scarlet monkeyflower, bee balm, Indian paintbrush and snapdragons.

      Create a hummingbird garden with hanging pots of phlox, impatiens, geraniums and a hummingbird feeder in areas with limited space, the Clemson University Extension suggests.

      Scientists continue to study the evolution of hummingbirds and the plants species they pollinate.