Home Garden

How to Build a Kitchen Booth

Do you like the style and look of a booth and want to incorporate this element into your own kitchen? This article walks you through step-by-step instructions on building a simple wooden kitchen booth 5 feet long with a vertical back. The booth has an old-fashioned look, too. All that is required in accomplishing this task are a few carpentry tools, plywood, wood stain or paint of your choice and hardware.

Things You'll Need

  • 3/4-inch high-quality smooth-finish 8 feet long by 4 feet wide plywood 2-by-4 boards 4-by-4 boards Measuring tape Circular saw Sander Wood stain or paint of your choice 1 1/2-inch wood screws 2 1/2-inch wood screws Screwdriver
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  1. Cutting the Pieces for Your Kitchen Booth

    • 1

      Take the plywood and measure out two pieces that are each 5 feet long and 1 foot 6 inches wide for the back and seat of your booth. Cut these out with the circular saw.

    • 2

      Measure and cut out three similar pieces of 2-by-4 board that are 3 feet 4 inches long. These are the braces for the back of your booth.

    • 3

      Cut out three pieces of 2-by-4 board that are 1 foot 6 inches each for the cross beams under your seat.

    • 4

      Cut out five pieces of 2-by-4 board that are 5 feet long each as an extra support system running the full length under your seat.

    • 5

      Take the 4-by-4 board and measure out six similar pieces that are 1 foot 9 inches long for the legs of the seat. Cut these out.

    • 6

      Sand all rough edges off the cut pieces. Apply wood stain or paint of your choice to them and allow to dry.

    Assembling Your Kitchen Booth

    • 7

      Gather the six 4-by-4 boards and three 1 foot 6 inch long 2-by-4 boards. Lay a 2-by-4 piece on the short edge and attach a 4-by-4 board to each end of it so the 2-by-4 will be on top of the 4-by-4s when you stand it up. Drive two 2 1/2-inch screws through each end of the 2-by-4 into the legs.

    • 8

      Repeat the above process in attaching two 4-by-4 legs to each of the other two 2-by-4 boards.

    • 9

      Stand two of these sections up on the legs parallel to each other exactly 5 feet apart to the outer edges. Center the other section in between them. Lay all five 5-foot-long sections of 2-by-4 boards across the three sections and drive a 2 1/2-inch screw through the three spots of each 2-by-4 that touches the cross beams.

    • 10

      Lay a 5-foot-long section of plywood across the top of the 2-by-4s and attach it. Screw 1 1/2-inch screws through the plywood into the 2-by-4s.

    • 11

      Take the three sections of 3-feet-4-inch-long 2-by-4s and stand them vertically on the floor. Place them on one of the 5-foot-long sides of the bench flat against the three legs. Drive five 2 1/2-inch-long screws through the 2-by-4s into the legs. You have more than a foot of each 2-by-4 extending past the top of the bench.

    • 12

      Place the remaining 5-foot-long section of plywood vertically against the 2-by-4s extending above the bench. Lay it on the back of the seat against the 2-by-4s and drive three screws through the back into each 2-by-4.

    • 13

      Your new kitchen booth is now ready to use.