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Lamps for Kids

Lamps for kids are opportunities to allow your children to express their inner creativity, interests and characters they adore. Lighting for their rooms can include chandeliers, table lamps, ceiling lights with or without fans, nightlights and floor lamps. "All Kids Lamps" describes the many different options available that will light your child's room in a magical way that adds elegance and fun to their space.
  1. Hobby Lamps

    • The concept behind a hobby lamp is to showcase the preferences of your child in their lighting choice. These are available in a wide variety such as trains, flowers, sporting equipment and butterflies. Your child can have a lamp in the shape of their favorite vehicle, like a car or truck. They can have one featuring flower petals shining the light into their room. This option complements the decor of their space, but also allows them light and style in a shape they will love.

    Licensed Lamps

    • Kids' lamps are widely available in the characters they adore from their favorite movies, television shows and cartoons. For example, there are princess lamps in honor of the Disney princesses, Dora the Explorer lamps and Snoopy lamps. With a character lamp, your child will have the ability to showcase her beloved character in a practical way. These are also considered novelty lamps and may become collector's items in the future.

    Projector Lamps

    • These lamps can also be educational tools along with providing light. They are available in styles that project the solar system, a rainbow or a plethora of images from special characters to colors and shapes. These lamps provide an interesting visual show and also have bright light for everyday tasks. They also double as nightlights if necessary.


    • A nightlight is a special tool that can be used for reassurance for younger children who may be afraid of the dark. Nightlights can also be practical in a nursery for late-night feedings, to help parents avoid tripping in the dark. Nightlights can be large and elaborate or small and discreet. They also come in different colors and shapes. Nightlights are extremely useful for babies and older children, providing them with comfort in the night, especially if they do not have a sibling sharing their room.