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Futons for Kids

Futons originate from Japan and the word "futon" means "bedding." Futons first came to America in the 1970s and remain popular with kids and college students because of their versatility and comparable cheapness. The modern Western futon is very different to the original Japanese model. The most significant change is the material used within the mattress and the use of a futon as a sofa and bed.
  1. Space Saving

    • As kids bedrooms can often be relatively compact, futons offer flexibility in the way the space is used. They provide somewhere to hang out and chat with friends or watch TV as well as an easy and comfortable way for friends to stay over without taking up too much space. For ease of use, it's worth considering what type of futon frame will be best for a child to fold, unfold and move about. Most futon frames are made out of wood or metal. Metal frames are often lighter and may be easier for a child to manipulate.

    The Design

    • Futons come in many sizes and designs. It's easy to find a futon with a fun patterned cushion that'll fit into a kid's bedroom decor. If you have a plain futon, it's easy to customize to an individual child's taste by recovering the futon cushion with the fabric or a premade cover. This also means that futons are easy to update. As your child's tastes change, so can the futon cover.


    • A major benefit of the futon is that it's washable. After accidental spillages, sticky fingers or muddy clothes, it's easy to clean. Most futons come with covers that are easy to remove and put in the wash, while the frames can be easily wiped down. The main mattress can also be steamed clean using a steam cleaner and upholstery shampoo. This makes the futon much easier to keep clean and in good repair than a regular sofa or bed.

    Futons Combined With Other Furniture

    • Often, futons for kids will be integrated into other types of bedroom furniture. For example, a bunk bed where the top bunk is a bed and the bottom bunk is a futon and desk or a double futon are common. Combining a bed, workstation and chair can be a cost-effective, practical way of furnishing a child's bedroom.