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Secretary Desks for Kids

Secretary desks are compact renditions of classic working or writing desks. Generally, secretary desks have storage space and a small work area -- they also fold up to conceal clutter. These attributes make them popular for children. Secretary desks are sometimes part of book shelves or chests of drawers, or they can stand alone.
  1. Simply Kids Furniture

    • Simply Kids Furniture offers an array of desks designed specifically for kids including some secretary style desks. These desks not only come in colors and designs that will appeal to kids -- and fit in with children's decor -- but are sized appropriately for children. Almost all of these desks double as chests or storage spaces, making them ideal for smaller rooms. Prices range from $600 to $1,100.

    Student Market

    • Student Market has a large collection of secretary desks for kids. They have some secretary desks that can be used by adults as well, but are generally smaller in size -- and some that are designed specifically for children. They have several "junior" versions of desks available that are not only smaller but come in kid-friendly designs and colors. Prices at Student Market range from $200 to $2,000 considering they have such a large collection of brands. But many "junior" size secretary desks can be found in the lower end of the price range.

    Rooms to Go Kids

    • Rooms to Go Kids has several desk options, including some secretary desks designed specifically for younger kids all the way up to teens. While the premise behind Rooms to Go is that if you buy an entire room package your furniture will be much cheaper, their desks are all still reasonably priced. The original Rooms to Go store also has some secretary desks that are small enough to be used by some children. They range in price from $200 to $600 but can be cheaper when combined with other office furniture.

    The Desk Superstore

    • The Desk Superstore has a large selection of secretary desks, even some small enough for children, and a few that are designed specifically for children. The website has a wide variety of styles, colors and price ranges in their selection. There are a limited number of secretary desks that are specifically for children, but they have a huge selection of true secretary desks that are often small enough for most children. Prices range from $200 to $2,000 due to the vast array of brands and styles available.