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What to Do About Frayed Cushions?

Frayed cushions can be caused by many things; normal wear and tear and rubbing on another piece of furniture or wall are two causes that come to mind. Frayed cushions can make your furniture look old, worn and unsightly, and you may want to know how to fix the fraying right away. Besides the obvious, cutting away the loose, frayed ends, there are a couple other things you can do about frayed cushions.
  1. Slipcovers

    • Slipcovers have come a long way in the past few years. There are so many options available--from loose, traditional slipcover styles to fitted, separate cushion slipcover styles--that you should be able to find one that works best for your cushions.
      You can give your whole sofa a completely new and refreshed look inexpensively with a slipcover. FabricSlipcovers.com tells us that you can even take your slipcover off and wash it if it gets worn, soiled or dirty.
      Expect to pay between $50 and $200 per slipcover for a pre-made, store-bought slipcover. Custom made slipcovers cost a bit more but form better to your own couch.


    • Another option for frayed cushions is reupholstering services. Reupholstering, like slipcovers, can give your sofa a whole new and refreshed look by taking the old, frayed cushions and fabric off and replacing it with new, updated fabric. This is a good option for those wanting to keep their furniture for a long time.
      Frayed cushion upholstery can be taken off, the cushions re-stuffed and then new upholstery put back on. It's like giving new life to your old cushions and furniture.
      Reupholstering your cushions and furniture can take time and can be costly. Expect to pay upward of what you originally paid for your furniture piece. You can choose to take your cushion and furniture to a reupholstering service or you can attempt to do it yourself if you have the knowledge, time and experience. Doing it yourself can save you money versus having someone else reupholster it for you.