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How to Make a Slipcover Fit a Couch

One of the most inexpensive ways to update the look of your living area is to give your couch a makeover. Slipcovers hide stains and outdated fabrics alike. While getting a slipcover to fit properly might sound daunting, all it takes to master the task is a little prior prep work and patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Quilt batting (optional)
  • Plastic slipcover grips (optional)
  • Safety pins (optional)
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      Accurately measure your couch to insure you purchase the correct sized slipcover.

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      Remove loose pillows and cushions.

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      Recover back pillows with a coordinating fabric or replace them for a whole new look.

      Smooth the material on each pillow or cushion. Lay seat cushions on first. Place back cushions straight across the back of the couch. If the back cushions are unable to lay flat, remove them.

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      Create a smooth base by placing a double thickness of quilt batting over the back of your couch. You can use quilt batting in the same manner over the seat cushion area and any decorative piping if desired.

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      Center the fabric of your slipcover beginning with the front edge of your couch. Check the bottom and side edges to insure they fall at the length you desire.

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      Make folds around arm edges or t-cushions, and tuck any overlapping fabric underneath. Tuck remaining material in along the edges of the back and seat cushions beginning along the back side. Check to make sure the fabric surface is straight.

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      Place plastic slipcover grips along the grooves of the cushions, and press down into the seams to keep the fabric tucked in. Use small safety pins to hold any fabric folds in place at the corners. Always pin from the underside of the fabric for a professional look.