Home Garden

What to Do About a Ruined Carpet

Replacing the carpet in your home or just in one room can stress the family's budget. When funds are limited or the family chooses to live by a frugal budget, homeowners often opt to live with outdated and or worn carpet. When the carpet is ruined, the homeowner reluctant to replace the floor covering must evaluate the carpet's issue, as it may be in the family's best interest to replace the carpet.
  1. Flooding

    • When a carpet suffers water damage, by a flood or broken pipe, the carpet is not necessarily ruined. Yet, replace the padding after a flood. When the homeowner fails to dry thoroughly the carpet and replace the carpet pad, the flooring becomes a breeding ground for mold and mildew. When this happens, the area around the carpet begins to smell musty. At this point, remove and discard the carpet and carpet pad. Clean and dry the flooring before adding new carpeting.


    • Dropping a glass of red wine in the middle of the carpet does not necessarily ruin the carpet, as you can remove a wine stain if you treat it in a timely fashion. If you accidently spill bleach on the carpet, that is a more challenging stain. Unlike the wine stain, which adds a color to the carpet, the bleach removes the dye. For some homeowners, covering the bleach stain with furniture is one solution. If in a conspicuous area, such as the entry, there is another solution. Instead of replacing the carpet, contact a carpet cleaner and have them dye the bleach stain to match the rest of the carpet.

    Burn Stain

    • After someone drops an ashtray on the floor, scattering several lit cigarettes on the carpet, the carpet might look ruined, covered with burn marks. Lighten the cigarette burns by blotting the scorch stains with a solution of five parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide. If you can still see the burn marks, carefully snip off the burnt fibers using a sharp scissors. When the burn results in a deep hole, gather up some carpet fuzz from an inconspicuous area of the carpet, roll into a ball, and glue it into the hole to camouflage the defect.

    Professional Cleaner

    • Before you declare your carpet a lost cause, due to excessive stains, try some home remedy spot removal tactics. Use shaving cream to remove spots, or pour a little club soda on the area to remove the stain. If home remedies or commercial spot removals do not work, contact a professional carpet cleaner, who may be able to revive your ruined carpet.