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What Is an Incliner Sofa?

Sofas are often the centerpiece of living rooms, where you, your family or your friends will gather to watch TV or just spend time with each other. You'll have tons of options when you go out searching for that perfect sofa and not just in regards to looks. Numerous sofas may be dubbed "incliner" or "recliner" sofas, and they have a special feature.
  1. Basics

    • A sofa with an incliner has a function that allows the front part of the sofa to lift up at a 90-degree angle, which means that you can prop up your feet. Incliner sofas may have incliners on one or both sides and are typically activated with a lever along the side similar to a reclining chair.

    Incliners Vs. Recliners

    • In fact there is a difference between sofas that can "incline" and sofas that "recline;" they are not synonymous. Incliner sofas allow you to put your feet up, but the back cushion of the couch will not tilt backwards so you cannot lay back. Recliner sofas, along with reclining chairs, will lift the front portion as well as tilt the back portion backwards, allowing you to rest or sleep.


    • The most obvious benefit of an incliner sofa is that you can put your feet up without having to rely on an ottoman or coffee table, which may be especially useful if you have an expensive coffee table that you do not want to damage by putting your feet on it. An inclining sofa may also be a welcome alternative to a reclining sofa, especially if your couch is against the wall. Reclining sofas, since their back portions tilt backward, could brush up against your wall and scuff it up.


    • Inclining sofas may be far heavier than standard sofas because the mechanisms used to help the front sections of the couch incline are often made of very strong metal, which is also heavy. As such, incliner sofas may be more difficult to lift and move. They will also inevitably cost more than standard sofas because of the extra inclining features, though the exact pricing will depend on the manufacturer.