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How to Make My Own Self-Inflating Pillow

Self-inflating pillows consist of nothing more than open-cell foam inside of a rubber shell. When air is released into the chamber, the foam will attempt to regain its original dimensions, inflating the pillow. While such pillows can be obtained commercially for fairly low prices, you can just as easily cobble your own self-inflating pillow together with a half hour's work and a few scrap materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Large utility knife
  • Open-cell foam
  • Rubber water raft
  • Powerful glue
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    • 1

      Cut a block of open-cell foam to the desired size of your fully-inflated pillow.

    • 2

      Measure the dimensions of your block of foam. Cut a piece the width and length of the foam block plus half its height from the nozzle end of an inflatable water raft.

    • 3

      Insert the foam block into the space between the top and bottom layers of the raft. Glue the perimeter of the two pieces of rubber together, sealing it tight around the foam to prevent any leaks.

    • 4

      Wait 24 hours for the glue to fully dry. Open the nozzle and roll the inflatable pillow up to deflate it, closing the nozzle again before releasing. Open and pinch the nozzle to allow the pillow to re-inflate itself.