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How to Repair Bed Mortise Hinges

Mortise hinges have two flaps attached to a central shaft. Manufacturers and designers often use the hinges on Murphy beds and other types of bed because it has a more decorative look than a basic hinge. Wide openings on either flap are just the right size for different screw widths and head sizes, while the central shaft features round balls on either end. When the bed mortise hinges become squeaky or otherwise damaged, you must make specific repairs.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray lubricant
  • Rag
  • Rubber mallet
  • White lithium grease
  • Screwdriver
  • Wood screws
  • Wood putty
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
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      Spray a dab of spray lubricant onto the top of the squeaky hinge. Place a rag under the bottom of the hinge and hold the rag there as the lubricant slowly seeps through the hinge. The fabric catches the excess lubricant and keeps it from staining the bed. The lubricant oils the inside of the hinge and keeps it from squeaking.

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      Tap the hinge pin, which is the central rod, out of the hinge with a rubber mallet, if it keeps squeaking. Rub white lithium oil over the hinge pin, leaving behind a thin coating of the oil. Slide the hinge pin back into the hinge and it should stop the squeaking sounds.

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      Tighten loose screws in the hinge, if you notice that the hinges feel loose or close too quickly. Place a screwdriver on the top of one screw and turn in a counterclockwise direction until the screw no longer moves. Tighten each screw in the same way.

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      Remove the hinge from the bed, if you cannot tighten the mortise hinge. The problem often occurs because you stripped the screws when originally attaching them to the bed. Dispose of your old screws and use new wood screws to tighten the hinge to the bed.

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      Fill the screw holes in the bed with a dab of wood putty, if the screws are not stripped, but cannot adhere to the wood. If the original holes are too large for your screws, the screws will not secure the hinge to the bed. Once the wood putty dries, lightly buff the surface with fine-grit sandpaper. When you tighten the screws, the wood putty holds each one in place.