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How to Use a Roofer's Hatchet

A roofer's hatchet, or shingler's hatchet, is a tool for installing shingles or roofing materials. A roofer's hatchet usually incorporates the following functions into one tool: A hammer head, a hatchet blade or disposable knife, a nail puller, and a sliding or fixed gauge for setting the overlap of the next shingle course.

Things You'll Need

  • Roofing hatchet
  • Roofing nails
  • Shingles
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    • 1

      Set the course gauge so that the distance from the head of the hatchet to the gauge pin equals the amount of exposure the shingle manufacturer recommends.

    • 2

      Hook the course gauge pin to the bottom edge of the lower course of shingles.

    • 3

      Rest the lower left corner of the shingle being installed on the top edge of the hatchet head.

    • 4

      Hold the shingle in place and drive a roofing nail through the shingle near the top-left corner. If the hatchet has a magnetized head, use it to hold the nail prior to driving it, keeping your "off" hand free to hold the shingle in position.

    • 5

      Align the right corner of the shingle using the course gauge and nail it in place. Working from corner-to-corner helps keep the courses even.

    • 6

      Continue nailing the shingle according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    • 7

      Remove bent or misplaced nails with the nail puller.

    • 8

      Cut shingles with the knife blade by scoring the back side of the shingle and snapping it in two. Attempting to cut the front of the shingle will quickly dull the blade.