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What Causes Urban Sprawl?

According to the Policy Almanac, the end of World War II redefined the American Dream to include achieving a house outside the city limits and at least two cars in the driveway. Redefining the American Dream changed many things about the way families lived and the environment. In fact, the move away from cities created an effect called urban sprawl, also known as suburban sprawl.
  1. Urban Sprawl Definition

    • Urban sprawl is a low-density, residential and commercially developed area located beyond the edge of employment and service areas. The area was previously undeveloped farms, wetlands, woodlands and forests. Trees and animals were removed for the development of houses, malls or fast-food chains.

    Traits of an Urban Sprawl Area

    • Typically, an urban sprawl area has several traits that, according to Absolute Astronomy, can be considered disadvantages. For example, an urban sprawl area is automobile dependent meaning that residents must have cars to live in the area because it is so far away from work and services such as hospitals and entertainment venues. Another trait is inefficient street layout, which causes residents to drive more to reach their destinations. The area has low aesthetic value because the houses or apartment complexes all look the same. In addition, there is a higher per-capita use of energy, water and land use, according to Absolute Astronomy.

    Urban Sprawl Advantages

    • Some advantages to living in an urban sprawl area are that land costs less and there is less pollution. For instance, it's easier to buy larger single-family homes because prices are lower than in the city. Also, residents experience less noise because they live so far away from the city and its suburbs. Another advantage is better public schools.

    Urban Sprawl Effects

    • Besides the effects urban sprawl has on animals and undeveloped land, it also has an effect on a city and its suburbs. According to Policy Almanac, as a result of urban sprawl, a city and its suburbs have more population loss that results in things such as closed businesses and boarded-up houses as more money is spent creating and improving urban sprawl areas. Another big problem is traffic congestion in a city and its suburbs, as people who travel to and from work cause traffic jams.